Responsible for the treatment

The person responsible for the processing of personal data of users of the site is the company Mafalda srl, with registered office in Via Fossacava 2, 54033 Colonnata Carrara MS Italy.

Collection of personal data

The company Mafalda srl ​​collects users’ personal data only to provide the requested service, in particular for the booking of tastings or guided tours. The data collected may include name, surname, email address, telephone number, reservation information (date, time, duration, number of participants), food preferences and other information necessary to ensure the best user experience.

Use of personal data

The company Mafalda srl ​​uses users’ personal data only to provide the requested service, in particular to manage the reservation, confirm availability, send confirmations and information on the reservation, provide directions to reach the place of the activity and to contact the user in case of changes to the activity. Furthermore, if the user has given consent, personal data may be used to send information relating to the service or for marketing purposes, such as newsletters or promotional offers.

Sharing of personal data

The Mafalda srl ​​company does not share users’ personal data with third parties, unless it is necessary to fulfill contractual obligations with the user or required by law. The company may share personal data with service providers that provide support for the management of the website and for the provision of the service, such as hosting, payment or email sending services. In this case, the company will make sure that the service providers respect your privacy.

Personal data security

The Mafalda srl ​​company is committed to protecting users’ personal data through appropriate security measures, including access controls, encryption, backup and website monitoring. However, the user must be aware that data transmission over the internet is not completely secure and the company cannot guarantee the security of data during transmission.

User rights

The user has the right to access their personal data, to request correction or cancellation, to oppose the processing of data for legitimate reasons or to withdraw consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes. The user can exercise these rights by sending a request to the Mafalda srl ​​company using the contact information available on the website.


The website uses cookies to improve the user experience and to collect information on the user’s navigation on the site. Cookies can be of different types, such as technical cookies (necessary for the site to function), third-party cookies (used to provide personalized content and advertising) and profiling cookies (used to track the user and create a browsing profile ). The website requires the user’s consent for the use of cookies and provides detailed information on the type of cookies used and their retention period. The user can manage cookie preferences through the browser settings.

Data transfer abroad

The Mafalda srl ​​company may transfer users’ personal data to countries outside the European Union, if necessary for the management of the service or for the provision of the website. In this case, the company will ensure that the transfer takes place in compliance with personal data protection regulations and that the recipients of the data comply with the same data protection standards.

Duration of data retention

The Mafalda srl ​​company keeps users’ personal data only for the time necessary to manage the reservation and to fulfill legal obligations. Personal data will be deleted or anonymized once the retention period has expired.

Changes to the privacy policy

The Mafalda srl ​​company reserves the right to modify the privacy policy at any time, in the event of legislative changes or to improve the protection of users’ personal data. The user will be informed of any changes through the website or through direct communications.
The user is invited to carefully read the privacy policy before using the website and to contact the company in case of any questions or concerns regarding the protection of their personal data.

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